Arjenna Strong

I never considered myself a ‘photographer’. I often go months without touching a camera. Then suddenly on a whim I'll spend a day, or a week, taking hundreds of photos…after which I don't touch the camera again for months!
I have used cheap cameras, reasonably-good cameras, and sometime even cell phones to capture my pictures. I often break my cameras (accidentally).
Sometimes I forget I own a camera.
And yet, as soon as I start downloading and playing with my pictures on the computer, I become entranced by the whole process. As I finish with a picture and step back to look at it, I feel as if I am seeing my subjects for the first time – I am often blown away by their beauty. The act of taking the photo also slows me down and enables me to notice beauty that I hadn’t suspected was there. Perhaps that’s why I often avoid doing insists that I slow down and pay attention.
My intent had never been to sell my photos or cards; it was just something I did for friends’ birthdays. One day, as I sat figuring out how to superimpose a quote on a photo, the thought occurred to me that what I was doing was ‘playing’...and that if every once in awhile I 'played' with photos, and then found a way to let other people also benefit from it, it wouldn’t be like work, it would be like FUN.
Inspired by all the people and businesses who have blessed me through their philosophies of giving, and the gratitude and love I have felt from participating in those ventures, I am experimenting with ways to give back and bless others through what I do. Please see my “Payment Philosophy” page for how you can participate in an exchange that benefits us both.
And so begins a new play-opportunity for me. Please join me in any way you see fit!
I have used cheap cameras, reasonably-good cameras, and sometime even cell phones to capture my pictures. I often break my cameras (accidentally).
Sometimes I forget I own a camera.
And yet, as soon as I start downloading and playing with my pictures on the computer, I become entranced by the whole process. As I finish with a picture and step back to look at it, I feel as if I am seeing my subjects for the first time – I am often blown away by their beauty. The act of taking the photo also slows me down and enables me to notice beauty that I hadn’t suspected was there. Perhaps that’s why I often avoid doing insists that I slow down and pay attention.
My intent had never been to sell my photos or cards; it was just something I did for friends’ birthdays. One day, as I sat figuring out how to superimpose a quote on a photo, the thought occurred to me that what I was doing was ‘playing’...and that if every once in awhile I 'played' with photos, and then found a way to let other people also benefit from it, it wouldn’t be like work, it would be like FUN.
Inspired by all the people and businesses who have blessed me through their philosophies of giving, and the gratitude and love I have felt from participating in those ventures, I am experimenting with ways to give back and bless others through what I do. Please see my “Payment Philosophy” page for how you can participate in an exchange that benefits us both.
And so begins a new play-opportunity for me. Please join me in any way you see fit!
photos photographs photo greeting cards quotations inspirational inspiring by donation pwyc pay what you can pay what you choose sliding scale buy purchase donate beauty photography nature