CARD B20: This is the view from the back of the ferry as you leave Vancouver Island to go to the mainland. That day I was standing at the back of the boat as I headed for new, unknown things. I was gazing back at what I was leaving, rather than looking at what I was heading toward. Our hearts tells us when it's time to move on, but it's not always easy. Every place I live in fills me in specific ways, but reminds me that there are other things I long for. Over time I have come to appreciate that no place is perfect, but that I can receive the beautiful things that each place has to offer before I move on. Those things become part of me. And the next place will have its own beauty to impart.
"Can I buy a card?"
"For sure. Which one do you want?" "That one." "There are lots...why don't you look through all of them first?" "No I want that one." "Who are you going to give it to?" Shrug. "Maybe keep it for yourself?" Nod and small smile. She put money in the donation box. I handed her the card. ...I have never had someone spontaneously hug one of my cards when receiving it until today. #salmondays2016 #sointula #astrongdesign #photogreetingcards #iris#pwyc #pwyw #donationbox #paywhatyoucan #salmondays #festivalseason#sharingart By request, I've turned this lovely pic and quote into a card...however, as this poet's work is not public domain, I can't officially print it.
It's ok to put non-public-domain quotes online (just not to print them on paper - honest, I've researched this), so feel free to share or do what you like with this on your own! Photo: taken July 2016, Mitchell Bay, Malcolm Island, BC Poem: taken from Our Quiet Time by Nancy Wood "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman
One of my favourite quotes ever. I was going to paraphrase it or write something about it here, but how can one say anything more meaningful or clear than that. I created it for a friend's website this week - don't know why I hadn't yet designed something around this quote, but am so glad her request finally pushed me to do so. The photo is of another friend, and another BC roadtrip. Full circle. #howardthurman #dowhatmakesyoucomealive #astrongdesign #tofinobeach Yeah yeah yeah! Here are my cards at Finch Espresso Bar in Hamilton ON. (Thank you Finch!)
Now I'm off to travel the country, leaving my cards to work their magic and love in Hamilton's coffee shops. WHAT INSPIRES ME:
This beautiful soul is Mary. Mary is founder of The Livingroom Community Art Studio in Oshawa, Ontario. At the LRCAS anyone can come in to use the studio space and art materials (and man, oh man, are there ever art materials!) for free. There is a bustling spirit of community, inclusivity, and love here, which you can feel as soon as you walk in the door. Children, the elderly, teens, established artists, the marginalized, the broken, the rich...all share this safe space. "If someone criticizes your work, we will help mediate," says Mary. "If it's your own inner critic that criticizes your work, we can help mediate that too." The LCAS is open all day Wed-Sat. The frequent workshops and programs are low or no cost. Almost all of the art materials are donated. The space operates on grants, donations, and volunteer work. Check out their fantastically beautiful website The LRCAS is part of the Art Hives movement: #thingsthatinspireme #paywhat #beautifulpeopledoingbeautifulthings #artcommunity #arthives#livingroomcommunityartstudio WHAT INSPIRES ME: Art Hives...a worldwide movement promoting free art studio space and free art materials to anyone, regardless of economic status, race, age, religion, gender. Art Hives focus on community building and support, especially for the marginalized, through creating safe spaces to do art. I recently visited one in Oshawa, Ontario. A beautiful and liberating experience! Look for one near you by using the map at And THIS happened! Cards are now at Johnny's of my favourite spots in the Hammer. PWYC donation box style.
If you're looking for a comfy, laid back atmosphere and great coffee, come hang out! My PWYC cards, now at the fantastic Vintage Coffee Roasters in Hamilton!!! Donation box system. <3
Check this place out if you're looking for great coffee and awesome hospitality.
MINDFUL PHOTO PROJECT: Fantastic short talk and "art assignment" (see below) from artist Assaf Evron about how photography, which is often used to capture something quickly, can be a tool for helping us perceive things that normally escape our attention. THE ASSIGNMENT: 1. Go to a public place that you pass daily and take a photo, not too close and not too far. 2. Download the photo to a computer and look at it for 3 full minutes (yes three! If your mind wanders, bring it gently back. If you don't notice anything, don't despair - your subconscious will come up with something later!) 3. Return to the location and take detail photos of things you noticed while looking at the original. 4. Upload your photos and description with #theartassignment. Have fun! The close-ups:There's no bad creativity...only people scared to make bad art. Let's all make some bad art, people! Mr. Rogers can do it.
These are the Christmas cards I'm sending out this year...Malcolm Island with a dusting of snow! (i believe i had just come out of the sauna on the beach when I took this...:))
If anyone else wants to use them as their winter/Christmas/solstice/new year cards too, feel free to join my bandwagon. Cards can be ordered singly or in sets - suggested donation prices are on website. DOES IT STILL FEEL LIKE PLAY? Sometimes when you think you're following your heart, you realize that your head has quietly stepped in and taken over command of the ship. Sometimes the "want to"s sneakily switch to shoulds without even asking, and "play" starts feeling suspiciously like "work". This, I believe, means only one thing: you need to switch it up, baby. My tenacity and productivity can sometimes turn on me, making 'following my heart' into a task-based, goal-oriented production. I swore I wouldn't do that with these cards.'s time to switch it up! The website is still up and cards can be ordered at any time. I will be posting when I feel truly inspired. I am giving myself permission to let go of outcomes, and I am returning, somehow, in a yet to be determined way to my heart. Goodbye "shoulds"; hello "play"! (now I can cross writing this post off my list :)) To order cards at a price that YOU determine, go Payment through paypal, visa, cheque, cash, barter. Cards can be shipped anywhere in Canada or the US. |