Sometimes when you think you're following your heart, you realize that your head has quietly stepped in and taken over command of the ship. Sometimes the "want to"s sneakily switch to shoulds without even asking, and "play" starts feeling suspiciously like "work".
This, I believe, means only one thing: you need to switch it up, baby.
My tenacity and productivity can sometimes turn on me, making 'following my heart' into a task-based, goal-oriented production.
I swore I wouldn't do that with these cards. So...it's time to switch it up! The website is still up and cards can be ordered at any time. I will be posting when I feel truly inspired. I am giving myself permission to let go of outcomes, and I am returning, somehow, in a yet to be determined way to my heart.
Goodbye "shoulds"; hello "play"!
(now I can cross writing this post off my list :))
To order cards at a price that YOU determine, go towww.astrongdesign.weebly.com. Payment through paypal, visa, cheque, cash, barter. Cards can be shipped anywhere in Canada or the US.
Sometimes when you think you're following your heart, you realize that your head has quietly stepped in and taken over command of the ship. Sometimes the "want to"s sneakily switch to shoulds without even asking, and "play" starts feeling suspiciously like "work".
This, I believe, means only one thing: you need to switch it up, baby.
My tenacity and productivity can sometimes turn on me, making 'following my heart' into a task-based, goal-oriented production.
I swore I wouldn't do that with these cards. So...it's time to switch it up! The website is still up and cards can be ordered at any time. I will be posting when I feel truly inspired. I am giving myself permission to let go of outcomes, and I am returning, somehow, in a yet to be determined way to my heart.
Goodbye "shoulds"; hello "play"!
(now I can cross writing this post off my list :))
To order cards at a price that YOU determine, go towww.astrongdesign.weebly.com. Payment through paypal, visa, cheque, cash, barter. Cards can be shipped anywhere in Canada or the US.